Monday, 2 June 2014

TAWOMA: Supporting the Disadvantaged in Tanzania Mining Communities

Tanzania Women Miners Association (TAWOMA) is a non government Organization  working for the interest of women and children in mining Communities of Tanzania. It is a membership organization formed in 1997 with more than 400 members in 15 active mining areas

 TAWOMA was formed as a result of gender imbalance and inequity in mining sector . Women organized as a response to exploitation and unhealthy conditions  in mining sector. The common mining association such as Regional Mining associations and Chamber of Mines overlooked the specific gendered issues and challenges of women. In mining activities, women   were subjected to several unfair deals, worked long hours with no or little pay, exposed to unhealthy working condition such as exposure to dust  and mercury fumes, faced violence both in private and public  and existence of child labour in mining areas. TAWOMA brought together women miners, service providers, mineral dealers under one umbrella of women miners to protect livelihood and human rights of women in mining.

The current organization of women miners provides a safe space for  women to discuss and challenge status quo in mining sector which favors men more than women. It provides a platform and legality to question the inequality in mining while supporting women to climb at the top of the sector.

Although TAWOMA institutional arrangement gives an accessibility of services and information of its members at the local level, the organization faces a major capacity challenge to deliver the desirable outcome to its members.  The organization lack a clear strategy to advocate for the policy and practice changes within the sector. Financially, the organization depends on subsidies from the government, hence lack the power to question the policies and practices which excludes women from the sector. In some areas, women in mining are organizing to respond to the gaps left by the organization. One of TAWOMA question would be to bring together these community based women in mining organization in a coalition for better use of the resources and experience presented.

This year, TAWOMA will be holding a grand election. The new leader will be challenged to re- organize the organization so that it presents women miners voice in a more specific way, with a focus to uplift women in mining livelihood and security.

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