Tuesday 27 May 2014

Security Questions in mining Areas

Security issues have been discussed several times and mostly under the questions of human rights abuse. In Tanzania, being Artisanal and Small scale mining settlements or in areas where there are Large Scale mining, the question of security and protection of communities and especially women is unanswered.In ASM settlements, women face every kind of abuse, from domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, economic violence etc from both people they know and people they do not know.

The security questions extends to economic rights in terms of property ownership and disposal. For example, More than 80% of communities in Sambaru ad Lononi villages in Singida region depend on farming for food and other needs.  Taking their land away for mining purposes does not only take away their food security but also their settlements and other services. The group which is affected more are women because they are providers of services and livelihood in their commuities.

Large scale mining comes with a lot of challenges to women  and communities in general. It is characterized by securitization (and sometimes by state police) and restriction of land use. People from outside the communities are   employed as security guards and are instructed to kill anyone who crosses the land. There are evidence of deaths and abuses by these company security guards, but they are  addressed as incidences. The question would be addressing securitization of mining companies (with state police) and safety of communities.

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